Our Night Guard Benefits For Your Dental Practice:
CLEARsplint is self-adjusting – allows for the closest fit.
Better fit reduces post-operative chair time.
Dimensional stability (Fewer adjustments which are done conventionally).
Eliminates allergy problems (No methyl methacrylate like acrylic splints).
Ramps and guide planes can be added to re-position mandible.
Turnaround time is 5 working days.
Our Night Guard Benefits For Your Patient:
CLEARsplint is self-adjusting in the mouth when pre-softened in warm water.
Better fit reduces post-operative comfort, resistance to slipping and rugged wearability.
Amine-free – will not yellow with age; always transparent.
Protects against bruxing and grinding.
Breakage-resistant composite resin.
Your Night Guard Cleaning Solution:
DuraClean2 is an easy to use night guard cleaning system. This specially formulated night guard cleaner was developed as the most effective way to clean a CLEARsplint night guard. It’s advanced alcohol-free formula is alkaline based and free of harmful chemicals that could damage a night guard.