The Triad Articulator
This newsletter is presented quarterly. We hope you will find it to be informative, succinct, and a useful communication tool. We will keep you up to date on the latest news from Triad Dental Studio.
These issues will include a main subject article, product offering information, Triad staff updates, special offers, and technical tips. We will also use this as a forum to help you understand why we do things the way we do, to best serve you. As the contents of the newsletter will continue to take shape, we invite you to give suggestions that you feel can benefit you and all of our clients.
We welcome your feedback! If you have comments or suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact us. Thanks for reading!
Newsletter Sign Up
We offer clear aligners for your practice. Incorporating aligners into your practice will allow you to cater to current and potential clients.
Send us a digital impression for your next restorative case. We accept digital impression files from all major intraoral scanners.